11 Videos Every Tom Hanks Fan Should Have Watched By Now

Of course, everyone in the world is a Tom Hanks fan…

by Ali Plumb |
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Ridiculously excellent human being Tom Hanks recently did something ridiculously excellent: miming along to Carly Rae Jepsen's new song, 'I Really, Really Like You', for a music video* that looks set to break YouTube records (see below). Of course, with Tom Hanks being Tom Hanks, this isn't the first time he's been exceptionally cool for no particular reason, and here, just to make your day that little bit better, here are ten examples of just that. Thanks Tom Hanks. Thanks.

*Brilliantly, Tom Hanks' cameo was actually his own idea.

The Music Video For Carly Rae Jepsen’s ‘I Really Like You’

***Best bit? ***There are just too many to pick just one. Tom Hanks admitting he’s pregnant, or dancing in a camel coat, or fist bumping a stranger… The list goes on and on. The magic of this music video is even if you can’t stand the song, the sheer Hanksiness make you really, really, really, really, really like the music video.

Tom And Sophie Hanks Do Toddlers And Tiaras

Best bit? After careful consideration – and while avoiding spoilers, because this is such a good sketch there genuinely are potential spoilers – this “Miss Ultimate Sexy Baby Nevada” skit’s best bit is Tom Hanks saying to his stroppy six-year-old daughter, “Don’t have a Hooch moment!” – though shouting “Sexy feet!” at her mid-catwalk comes very close.

Tom Hanks Plays Chopsticks On A “Big” Piano With Sandra Bullock

***Best bit? ***For a Tom Hanks video, it seems churlish to pick a best bit that’s not actually to do with Tom Hanks, but think about this: Tom Hanks jumped around a big piano in a suit and leather shoes, while Sandra Bullock did it in a skirt and high heels. Impressive.

Tom Hanks Performs A Slam Poem About Full House

***Best bit? ***When you think of 1990s sitcom Full House, you think of Tom Hanks, with cheeky moustache, performing slam poetry in a black polo neck, right? So, the cheeky moustache.

Tom Hanks Gives A Speech At Michael Clarke Duncan’s Memorial Service

***Best bit? ***In memory of the great man, it seems wrong to pick a “best bit”, so let’s let the video do the talking...

Tom Hanks Talks About Driving On German Motorways

Best bit? The deconstruction of the whole “informal chat” concept of telling anecdotes on a chat show. As ever, Hanks sticks to the bit. Letterman does not.

Tom Hanks Plays Weatherman On Spanish-Language TV

Best bit? Tom Hanks confusing dancing for weather reporting – an easy mistake to make.

Tom Hanks On Just How Hard It Is To Do The Woody Voice

Best bit? Reaching for the “Talk back” button…

Tom Hanks Does Celebrity Jeopardy On Saturday Night Live

Best bit? “Current Black Presidents” is a flat-out great joke, but that dry cleaning bag takes some beating.

Tom Hanks Does The Big Rap

Best bit? Not when Jonathan Ross talks over him, that’s for sure. The stomach punch mime, however – that’s something special.

**Tom Hanks 'Re-enacts' His Film Career With James Corden **

Best bit? It's an odd thing to say, but the funniest moment has to be Philadelphia...

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