On Again, Off Again

Bennifer calls off wedding

by empire |
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Not since the 'did they, didn't they' nuptial jiggery-pokery of Drew Barrymore and Tom Green have there been such celebrity shenanigans over the simple tying of a knot. Today the star wedding of the week between J-Lo and Ben Affleck was called off due to 'excessive media attention'. In a statement released by their publicists, the duo explained that they'd decided to put the wedding on hold for a while. 'When we found ourselves seriously contemplating hiring three separate 'decoy brides' at three different locations, we realised that something was awry.' 'We began to feel that the spirit of what should have been the happiest day of our lives could be compromised,' the statement goes on to say. 'We felt what should have been a joyful and sacred day could be spoiled for us, our families and our friends.' According to the publicist guests were being called today with the news that the wedding was off. Asked whether the postponement was in itself a publicity stunt, the spokesperson said; 'I don't see that as even remotely possible.'

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