Albert Brooks Set For Pets Project

Lake Bell & more aboard the new animation from the Despicable Me team

Albert Brooks Set For Pets Project

by James White |
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Way back in January, the first casting information broke for the new Universal / Illumination (AKA Team D****espicable Me) ‘toon about pets, with Louis C.K. Kevin Hart and Eric Stonestreet aboard. We still don’t know what the thing is called, but we do know that Albert Brooks, Lake Bell, Bobby Moynihan, Hannibal Buress and Ellie Kemper will be joining them in the voice booth.

The film plans to take a Toy Story-style peek into the world of pets inhabiting a Manhattan apartment building, and explain how they fill their days once their human owners shuffle off to work. Their time apparently involves swapping stories, practicing their cute faces to secure the best snacks and generally chilling.

For Max (Louis C.K.) a smart rescue terrier used to being the centre of attention in his home, this particular day will be more challenging than usual thanks to the arrival of mongrel Duke (Stonestreet), and a mishap has the pair find themselves out in the wilds of the New York streets (very Toy Story), where they’ll have to stop cunning bunny Snowball (Hart) from turning the tables on humanity.

Brooks will be voicing a pet named Tiberius, while Bell, last seen in her directorial debut** In A World…** will be sarcastic kitty Chloe. Kemper, a former regular of the US Office, is making a deal to be Max’s human owner, while Moynihan will be a pug named Mel. Bad Neighbours actor Buress’ character hasn’t been revealed to The Wrap’s sources.

Illumination and Universal are planning to have this one out on February 12, 2016, by which time it’ll hopefully have a name.

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