America: The Motion Picture – Explosive Trailer For The Netflix Historical Comedy Film

America: The Motion Picture

by James White |
Updated on

There are different ways to present the story of America's Founding Fathers. There are dry, dusty documentaries, there's the vibrant musical stylings of Hamilton and then there's America: The Motion Picture, which includes among its roster of producers a certain Phil Lord and Chris Miller. Prepare, then, for comic madness with the first trailer.

Matt Thompson, a veteran of Archer (also known for its animated craziness) is the director here, with__ The Expendables / Wonder Woman 1984 writer Dave Callaham providing the script. The Netflix movie's basic plot is described thus: "a chainsaw-wielding George Washington assembles a team of rabble rousers — including beer-loving bro Sam Adams, famed scientist Thomas Edison, acclaimed horseman Paul Revere, and a very pissed off Geronimo — to defeat Benedict Arnold and King James in the American Revolution. Who will win? No one knows, but you can be sure of one thing: these are not your father's Founding… uh, Fathers."

America: The Motion Picture poster

Channing Tatum voices Washington, with Jason Mantzoukas as Adams, Olivia Munn as Thomas Edison (not a typo), Bobby Moynihan as Revere, Raoul Max Trujillo as Geronimo, Andy Samberg as Arnold and Simon Pegg as the King. It all looks quite bonkers, but could potentially be hilarious. It'll hit Netflix's servers on 30 June, not-so-coincidentally a few days before America celebrates Independence Day.

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