Ant-Man 3: Jonathan Majors Joins The Cast

Jonathan Majors

by James White |
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Thanks to his work in the likes of Da 5 Bloods and TV's Lovecraft Country, Jonathan Majors – who broke through in The Last Black Man In San Francisco is having a moment. And he's now joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, snagging a role in the third Ant-Man movie

Whatever Peyton Reed's latest film ends up being called, we'll see Majors appearing opposite Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lily. And while Marvel is typically keeping quiet about who he might be playing (and whether he's in the film at all), Deadline has heard from sources that he'll be Kang The Conqueror.

A title used by Nathaniel Richards, the character first appeared in Avengers #8, in 1964, and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Both in the 30th century, he's a time traveller who is out to control history and has come into conflict with a variety of Marvel heroes.

Of course, given how the MCU often tinkers with the look, abilities and history of the characters (particularly antagonists) it chooses to portray on screen, there's every chance he'll blend the comic history with a new version. But this could still be a huge gig for Majors, potentially resulting in several appearances across different films.

Reed is in preproduction on the movie, which has a script by Jeff Loveness. There's no release date on the books yet, though 2022 is looking likely. As for Majors, he'll next work on Western drama The Harder They Fall alongside Idris Elba and a superb cast that has just been announced.

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