Anthony Hopkins Enters The Slipstream

Writing and directing a new drama

Anthony Hopkins Enters The Slipstream

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Is Anthony Hopkins aiming to become the new Robert Rodriguez? Admittedly, he has no plans to start work on a Sin City adaptation or an exploito-fest co-production with Quentin Tarantino, but he’s aiming to write, direct and compose the music for a new film called Slipstream.

It’s not a remake of the dodgy Mark Hamill sci-fi adventure, but rather based “on his own wild thoughts about God, life and death.” The plot focuses on an ageing screenwriter, Felix Bonhoeffer (Christian Slater) who constantly swans off on flights of fantasy within his own head. When he gets the job of re-writing a murder mystery, he finds that fantasy and reality start to leak into one another and characters from the movie start showing up in his life.

Besides Slater (and Hopkins, who clearly doesn’t intend to sleep while he makes this film), the cast boasts Gena Rowlands. Hopkins will be seen directing around Los Angeles in June.

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