Bad Teacher

Billy Bob Thornton makes you drop and give him twenty

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The former Mr Jolie, who has just finished American football flick Friday Night Lights, will be turning up in Ice Harvest and the remake of The Bad News Bears, has added yet another project to his creaking schedule. Busy bod Thornton will appear in Craig Gillespie's upcoming comedy Mr Woodcock, a film that will take you back to the days of regulation plimsolls, star jumps and the art of post-PE shower-dodging. Billy Bob's taking up the gym master's whistle as Woodcock himself, in this story about a former pupil of his who high tails it back home in a desperate attempt to prevent his mum from marrying the teacher. Despite being cursed with a name perfectly suited to all manner of childish schoolyard malarkey, the villainous Woodcock tormented both the boy and his classmates throughout their formative years. It's hard to say which holds more fear: the indignity of being made to attempt spine-fracturing backward rolls, or a PE teacher who used to keep a vial of blood around his neck. Sir? I

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