Basic Thugonomics

WWE's John Cena makes his movie debut

by empire |
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It'll be just a matter of time before all of Hollywood is overtaken by oiled, burly men if the WWE have their way. Not content with the success gained by The Rock in films like Walking Tall and Triple H's upcoming appearance in Blade: Trinity, the WWE has lined up the Doctor of Thugonomics himself, John Cena, to make his movie debut. Best known for strutting around the squared circle in street togs while rapping threats at his opponents over the PA, Cena will take the title role in The Marine, the story of a marine (no points for guessing that part) who, once injured, returns from the front lines to his home town to find his girlfriend has become involved in a kidnapping. It does sound vaguely related (a distant cousin, perhaps) to the plotline of Walking Tall but we're sure the similarities are only passing. No, really. The film is to begin shooting Down Under in mid-september. Word Life y'all.

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