Beckinsale Bites

Vampire Kate in werewolf romance… really!

by empire |
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British beauty Kate Beckinsale has clearly become a little bored of playing delicate leading-lady roles. After golly-goshing her way through Pearl Harbor and managing to look implausibly attractive throughout Serendipity, the London-born actress will be sporting the recently-deceased look for Underworld. Certainly a change from her previous projects, Underworld is billed as a modern day Romeo and Juliet but, rather then re-hashing Montagues and Capulets, the duelling factions this time around are vampires and werewolves. Set amid a violent war between the two supernatural factions, Beckinsale will play bloodsucker Selene, whose mission to hunt and kill werewolves hits something of a snag when she falls in love with one. Playing a vampire warrior with the strength of ten men, it'll be well worth the price of admission just to see Beckinsale's usual pout replaced by a grimace of fury as she kicks large amounts of werewolf arse. One to watch then, if the whole bestiality/necrophilia angle doesn't put you off.

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