Benedict Cumberbatch Is Smuggling Secrets In The Courier Trailer

The Courier

by James White |
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If we were to pick someone to blend into a crowd or pass secrets unnoticed, we doubt we'd go with Benedict Cumberbatch, who would seem to be one of the more recognisable people around. Thankfully here he's playing someone else, a businessman wrapped up in a true-life espionage tale. The trailer for The Courier is online.

Directed by Dominic Cooke, The Courier is the story of an unassuming British businessman Greville Wynne (Cumberbatch) recruited into one of the greatest international conflicts in history. At the behest of the UK's MI6 and a CIA operative (Rachel Brosnahan), he forms a covert, dangerous partnership with Soviet officer Oleg Penkovsky (Merab Ninidze) in an effort to provide crucial intelligence needed to prevent a nuclear confrontation and defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Courier

Lionsgate has the film listed as arriving in UK cinemas on 19 March. Keep those fingers crossed...

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