Bowling For Bush

Anti-gun movie targets Dubya

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It could be argued that calling for gun control in America is a mug's game if ever there was one. But with a little help from his home PC, maverick American director Michael Moore has succeeded where many before him have failed. He's managed to garner a more than decent US box office response to his new indie film, the anti-gun documentary Bowling for Columbine, by sending out thousands of e-mails to his supporters encouraging them to go and see the flick and rile a certain Mr Bush while they're at it. Attacking a topic close to many American hearts, Moore was understandably concerned that his uncompromising exposure of the Yanks' love of all things gun-shaped could have fallen well and truly flat with his countrymen and disappear from US cinemas without a trace. Also convinced that Bush's plans for war against Iraq and the Washington sniper killings of the past week provided an even more timely backdrop for his film, the spirited fella set out to stir up some serious trouble. Just as he whisked up support for his anti-Bush - and almost pulped - book 'Stupid White Men' and sent it to the top of the Amazon charts, Moore sent an e-mail missive to his huge database of supporters starting, "Dear friends, fans, and fellow evildoers," which claimed that Bowling for Columbine was "the last thing the Bushies want projected on the movie screens across America this week." He went on to say, "I truly believe this film has the potential to rock the nation and get people energised to do something. I believe this movie can create a lot of havoc - but I will need ALL of you to help me do this. Are you game?" And it seemed that a fair amount of our cousins over the pond were. With a solid $250,000 made from eight screens in its opening weekend, Michael Moore's plan to use profits from the movie for his next film about September 11th and "how Bush is using that tragic day as a cover for his right-wing agenda" is still alive and more than kicking.

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