Brian Blessed Is God

It's official: bearded actor created heaven and Earth

by empire |
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As prone as we are to worshipping the stars of the silver screen, it's a rare thing when one among them truly is identified as the deity's face among humankind. As those of you will have noticed, our recent poll as to which actor most resembled the Judeo-Christian Creator saw such former celluloid divinities as Morgan Freeman and Charlton Heston cast aside by he of the implausibly rich baritone: Brian Blessed. Surpassing his closest rival, Sean Connery, Blessed gained the lion's share of more than 65,000 votes to be our readers' closest approximation of God in human form. A fact that Blessed was, frankly, chuffed to bits with. 'Oh God!' He exclaimed, pardoning the irony, 'I'd like to thank all my devoted disciples for voting for me. Heaven is the most gorgeous sexy place I've ever experienced. I've got a huge bed up here and any lady who'd like to try it out for size is welcome to do so. There's also room for men as well - I don't discriminate!' 'But seriously - ever since I climbed Mount Everest, I've been in awe of God and all He created.' There you have it boys and girls, the thanks of a grateful deity is yours.

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