A Bridget Too Far?

A Bridget Too Far?

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Imagine a world where Renee Zellweger’s weight wasn’t always subjected to the merciless glare of the tabloids and her proximity to ageing singing lotharios was limited to Empire Records. Weird, innit? Yet according to Toni Collette, that’s what could have happened had she taken on the giant pants Bridget Jones four years ago because it seems turning down the role cost her the part of Roxie in Chicago. The 32-year-old Aussie star told The Scoop, "I was doing Wild Party. I was offered Bridget Jones's Diary at the time, but couldn't do it because I didn't know how long Wild Party was going to play. Then the Chicago lot said, 'We want you to do this, don't take anything else. We want to put you on tape just as a formality. Catherine Zeta-Jones is really excited to work with you.' Then Bridget Jones's Diary came out and I guess the Weinsteins had their way." Oh dear...

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