Captain America 3 To Tie In With Thor: Ragnarok

Jaimie Alexander promises a prominent role for Sif in Thor 3

Captain America 3 To Tie In With Thor: Ragnarok

by Phil de Semlyen |
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Marvel's third phase has officially kicked off. Captain America: Civil War is next supercab off the rank and likely to end with the Marvelverse a much fractured and fragmented place. Somewhere within this heady and very well-populated brew, Jaimie Alexander, AKA Sif, told the LA Times, will be a narrative tie-in with Thor: Ragnarok.

"There’s a lot of great stuff they’ve peppered in through Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Avengers [and] Captain [America: Civil War] will have some stuff,” Alexander tells the newspaper’s Hero Complex blog. "There's just all kind of Easter eggs and hints, if you’re really paying attention. They’re so good at interweaving everything throughout those films.”

No major surprise there, perhaps, although with Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 and Doctor Strange to come before Thor 3, those tie-ins could potentially become a knotty business. Alexander took the fifth on how these possible Easter eggs might take shape ("Marvel, I think on purpose, they don’t tell me certain things, because they know I’ll be like, ‘So here's what's gonna happen’”), but with Chris Hemsworth’s hero and Tom Hiddleston’s Loki reprising their fraternal face-off in Ragnarok, a 'remember-me?' cameo from the god of mischief may not be too far-fetched.

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