Charlie For Children?

Hunnam looks to join Cuarón's The Children Of Men

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You may remember a little while back we made mention of Alfonso Cuarón's next full feature being The Children Of Men, an adaptation of a P.D. James science fiction novel. Well the good news is that this project is still rolling along nicely – in fact, it's due to begin principal photography soon, and casting is well under way; both Clive Owen and Julianne Moore are already locked in, and it's come to light this morning that another Brit actor, Charlie Hunnam (currently starring in Green Street) is very-nearly-almost onboard.

The story, as some may know, is about a future society where the combined sperm count of the population has reached absolute zero, and a dwindling human race is now unable to procreate. Pandemonium and panic breaks out when news travels that the youngest man on earth, an 18 year old, has died. But all hope is not lost – there is a single, solitary pregnant woman alive somewhere (presumably to be played by Ms Moore). Naturally, this makes her rather popular, so she has to be protected – a task which is assigned to Clive Owen. Or at least, the character Clive Owen is to play – we don't imagine he'll be playing himself, however amusing this would be.

So where does Charlie Hunnam fit in? Short answer: dunno. We'll be doing our darndest to find out, though. Yes, he could conceivably pass for 18, but there's a host of other characters in the story he could play. When we read the book and find out who they are, we'll let you know.

It's also important to remember that Charlie hasn't actually signed on the dotted line for this one yet. But judging by his keenness to be involved with different and challenging material (from the last time we spoke to him), we imagine it to be a project the Geordie actor would be chomping at the bit to be a part of. We're looking forward to hearing more about this.

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