Cheeky Monkey

Johnny Vegas' film career blossoms

by empire |
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Now, although being avid fans of the beer monster to beat all others, we’re ashamed to say that we weren't totally clued up on Johnny Vegas' budding film career. In fact, the mere existence of such was, to say the least, a bit of a surprise. Imagine our delight then this morning, when we heard that the corpulent comedian has started filming on this third – yes, his third – feature film entitled Cheeky. Directed by Brit actor David Thewlis – he of the terminally ill look and Mike Leigh's Naked – Vegas' third film role sees him play a toy-shop owner whose life is all but destroyed when his wife pops it. Things get a little less depressing when he meets another woman after signing up as a quiz show contestant as per his wife’s last wish. Replacing that sadly defunct digital monkey as Vegas' co-star will reportedly be Mrs Sting, Trudie Styler – whose company is also producing the film – together with Backbeat's Ian Hart and Brit TV stalwart, Lesley Sharp. But what star-packed blockbusters have constituted Vegas' previous glittering film appearances, we hear you ask? They would be The Virgin of Liverpool alongside the rather un-Hollywood Ricky Tomlinson about a twelve-year-old girl who campaigns to rescue a statue of the Virgin Mary, and Mel Smith's next project Blackball. Still, not bad for a man whose real talent lies in sinking a pint or two.

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