Chris Evans Starring In Past-Lives Drama Infinite

Chris Evans at the 88th Academy Awards

by James White |
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With his tenure as an Avenger looking like it'll reach its conclusion with Endgame, Chris Evans is lining up other gigs. He's now making a deal to star in novel adaptation Infinite for director Antoine Fuqua.

Paramount nabbed the rights to D. Eric Maikranz' novel The Reincarnationist Papers, which follows Evan Michaels, a man who was haunted by memories of two past lives and stumbles upon a centuries-old secret society of similar individuals who make up the Cognomina, a secret society of people who possess total recall of their past lives and whose members have been agents of change throughout history. He seeks to join their ranks...

Ian Shorr and John Lee Hancock worked on the script for the film, which the studio is likely hoping might spawn a new potential franchise, especially with Evans in the lead. Following Avengers: Endgame's 25 April release, he'll be seen in Rian Johnson's Knives Out, due on 29 November. Evans is also attached to star in horror thriller The Devil All The Time, and then there's The Red Sea Diving Report, which appears to be treading water in limbo following a 2017 shoot.

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