Chris Hemsworth And Tiffany Haddish On For Action Comedy Down Under Cover

Chris Hemsworth, Tiffany Haddish

by James White |
Published on

We've seen Chris Hemsworth show off his comedy chops in a variety of cinematic venues, and he's heading back into laugh-grabbing territory for a new film. Down Under Cover will see him sharing the screen with Tiffany Haddish, no slouch in the comic department herself.

Peter Hoare's script is being described as in the spirit of 48 Hours and The Heat, and will see Hemsworth playing a detective who has to go undercover in a series of clever casino heists. The twist here is that the prime suspects are a troupe of Australian strippers, so he'll probably fit in well there. For the case, he's forced to take on a partner no one else will: Haddish's lone wolf who has her own set of rules. Cue the mismatched buddy comedy!

It's early days for this one, with agency CAA and sales company FilmNation looking to drum up sales at this month's Cannes Film Market, and given the stars, we doubt it'll take long to be snapped up.

Hemsworth is on our screens now as Thor in Avengers: Endgame, and has Men In Black: International launching on 14 June.

Haddish will be heard in The Secret Life Of Pets 2 (24 May) and appears in The Kitchen, out on 20 September.

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