A Cold Day In Hell

Bond's ice queen signs up for Doom

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When you think of seminal sci-fi shooter Doom, a certain type of person comes to mind. Said person is the kind of punter who'll happily while away the wee hours (and indeed life - right into middle age) chainsawing zombies and nuking cyberdemons on their PC. Now Karl Urban may not seem the type at first glance but, if you look closely, you can just detect the inner gaming geek shining through that smooth and irritatingly attractive exterior. Oh he's surpressed it, but it's definitely there. And as for The Rock, well, he's featured in about a dozen games so far and beyond all the muscle, machismo and man breasts, there's a skinny chap clutching a Gameboy just dying to go online and start playing Unreal Tournament. Therefore it's not surprising that either of the aforementioned stars are appearing in the upcoming Doom adaptation. What is somewhat unexpected is that Die Another Day star Rosamund Pike has signed on too. Appearing in sophisticated literary drama The Libertine alongside Johnny Depp and currently filming sophisticated literary adaptation Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley, Pike has opted to join this tale of demons marauding a Martian moon base. Which, in case you were wondering, is neither sophisticated, nor literary. That's not to say it won't be good, though, and since she did such a bang-up job trying to ice James Bond as the cold-hearted Miranda Frost, perhaps an action slaughterama is just what the agent called for. Pike will play a scientist on the base and, if the games are anything to go by, will therefore be number one on the demon's menu for an untimely and extremely bloody demise. Unless Urban's space marine has something to say about it, that is.

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