Here Comes The Bride

Final Kill Bill Vol 2 trailer

by empire |
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No one likes to have a film stopped halfway through and it's even more annoying when you have to wait nearly six months to see how the damned thing ends. But the wait is nearly over now and Kill Bill: Volume 2 is mere weeks from rampaging on to a screen near you. To give you a hint as to what's in store, the final trailer to Tarantino's game of two halves is now online and should provide a pretty clear idea of how different the concluding chapter is from its predecessor. Scaling back the bloody mayhem to make room for all the exposition that went missing from Volume 1, this is the film that makes everything clear. Oh, and keep an eye out for beard-stroking martial arts master Pai Mei, who was, for us at least, the highlight of the film. Check out the trailer here.

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