You Compleat Me

Crudup and Danes take on period drama

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British director Richard Eyre has found a new project, Variety reports today. Eyre has signed up to direct Compleat Female Stage Beauty (let's hope they change the title) starring Billy Crudup and Claire Danes. Adapted from a play by Jeffrey Hatcher, the film focuses on an actor Edward Kynaston (Crudup) whose main claim to fame is his ability to mince about convincingly as a woman on stage. When the laws requiring women's roles to be played by men change, Edward must reinvent himself as a male actor while coming to terms with the fact that his set dresser (Danes) is now making a name of herself in the roles he made famous. We think this sounds like a neat conceit for a film and Crudup and Danes are certainly interesting choices for a romantic pairing. This will be Eyre's third feature film

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