Damon Lindelof No Longer Writing A Star Wars Movie – But It’s Still Going Ahead

Damon Lindelof

by James White |
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Depending on how you look at it, this is a good news/bad news day for Star Wars fans. For while there was the encouraging word that Everything Everywhere Oscar-winning directors Daniels worked on an episode of upcoming show Skeleton Crew, there's also news that Damon Lindelof has departed the film he was writing.

As first reported back in October of last year, Lindelof and co-writer Justin Britt-Gibson were aboard to work on the screenplay for a film to be directed by Ms. Marvel's Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.

Now, though, Above The Line's Jeff Sneider reports that Lindelof and Britt-Gibson are no longer at work on the script after having handed in their draft. But according to his sources, Lucasfilm is ploughing on with the film, hiring an unknown new writer to take a crack at it, and with Obaid-Chinoy still attached as director.

Lindelof seemed to indicate that his feet were getting chillier than a walk on Hoth last week, when, asked about the movie by SlashFilm, he had this to say: “I will just say, that for reasons that I can’t get into on this Sunday morning, on this day, the degree of difficulty is extremely, extremely, extremely high. If it can’t be great, it shouldn’t exist. That’s all I’ll say, because I have the same association with it as you do, which is, it’s the first movie I saw sitting in my dad’s lap, four years old, May of ’77. I think it’s possible that sometimes when you hold something in such high reverence and esteem, you start to get in the kitchen and you just go, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t be cooking. Maybe I should just be eating.’ We’ll just leave it at that.”

Lucasfilm is expected to make announcements about the films and shows moving forward in the Star Wars galaxy at Star Wars Celebration, running between April 7-10. And which will also feature the triumphant(?) return of a certain Podcast crew with a panel called Empire On Jedi: The Empire Podcast Celebrates Return Of The Jedi!

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