Daniel Craig For Five More Bonds?

Producer Michael G Wilson hopes so

Daniel Craig For Five More Bonds?

by Owen Williams |
Published on

That sound you hear is the craignotbond loons flagellating themselves with their Corgi Lotus Esprits. Long-term Bond producer Michael G Wilson has just said that he hopes Daniel Craig will break Roger Moore's record for the longest incumbent in the role of 007.

"I’d love Daniel to surpass Roger’s record and do eight pictures," Wilson told The People. "Daniel’s been an absolute pleasure to be around because he takes the role so seriously. There’s really no one more passionate about making these films work than him. He’s a filmmaker’s dream. A lot of people have said Daniel’s been their favourite Bond since Sean Connery and I can’t argue with them. He’s doing a great job." That other sound you can hear is Roger Moore raising his eyebrow.

If you don't think it's much in the way of news to be told that a producer is keeping his star sweet, Wilson does provide some slight new intel on the tonal direction that Skyfall will be taking. "The director Sam Mendes and Daniel are taking it back to a '60s feel. It's more 'Sean'," says Wilson. "I think that’s what the fans wanted. There’s a magical Goldfinger feel ­surrounding it all. It’s all very exciting. I can’t wait for people to see the movie. Filming's going very well so far.”

Wilson says the long Craig future is something he'll be discussing with the actor when Skyfall wraps. So what do you think? Can you imagine Craig still playing Bond in 2022? Give us your thoughts in the comments below...

Skyfall is out on October 26, 2012.

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