Danny Boyle Has ‘Properly Good’ Idea For Another 28 Days Later Sequel

28 Days Later

by Ben Travis |
Updated on

At the moment, Danny Boyle is doing the promotional rounds for his latest film Yesterday – his Richard Curtis collaboration music fantasy in a world where nobody except a struggling songwriter remembers The Beatles. It’s about as far as you can get from his throat-ripping, rage-rampaging don’t-call-it-a-zombie-movie 28 Days Later, which proved a vital boost in the British horror genre in 2002. The film was followed up sans-Boyle in 2007 with the surprisingly strong sequel 28 Weeks Later – and now Boyle says he has a ‘properly good’ idea brewing for a third part, that he’s kicking around with the writer Alex Garland.

Speaking to The Independent, the filmmaking teased: “Alex Garland and I have a wonderful idea for the third part. It's properly good.” Elaborating on the potential threequel, he said: “The original film led to a bit of a resurgence in the zombie drama and it doesn't reference any of that. It doesn't feel stale at all.” It seems like this is one that’s bubbling away in the background for now – especially with Garland now a successful director in his own right, having helmed Ex Machina and Annihilation. “[Garland] is concentrating on directing his own work at the moment, so it's stood in abeyance really, but it's a you-never-know,” Boyle said.

Could this finally be the much-mooted 28 Years Later? Could it be Boyle’s chance to tackle Brexit through the allegory of a zombie apocalypse? And will Boyle cast Ed Sheeran in this one too? Stay tuned – and in the meantime, catch Yesterday when it brings non-Beatlemania to UK cinemas on Friday 28 June.

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