David Cronenberg Talks Maps To The Stars

He wants Robert Pattinson to co-star

David Cronenberg Talks Maps To The Stars

by James White |
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His latest film, the Robert Pattinson-starring Don DeLillo adaptation Cosmopolis received plenty of acclaim at Cannes [{href='//members.stg.empireonline.com/empireblogs/under-the-radar/post/p1243' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'}). So we’re hoping that means David Cronenberg finally gets the money in place to make one of his planned future projects, Maps To The Stars. Now the director is saying that he’s looking to recruit both Pattinson and Viggo Mortensen for the movie.

Talking with The Playlist, Cronenberg made it clear that the film has yet to lock in the necessary funds, but that he’s hopeful. “We have a script that I love that Bruce Wagner wrote. It's a very difficult film to get made, as was Cosmopolis actually. Whether I can get this movie to happen, I tried it five years ago, I couldn't get it made, so I still might not be able to get it made."

There’s a good reason for why it’s taken him so long – Maps is purportedly a challenging, dark comedic drama about two child actors who are ruined by Hollywood’s sleazier side. And it also could mark a first for the director: "I would want to shoot in Los Angeles and I've never shot a foot of film in America. It is very familiar to me since I was a kid; my father was born in Baltimore. And it's not like I haven't wanted to, but it's just the weirdness of co-productions and so-on and money things, really – the expense of shooting in some cities in America. So I actively would like to be shooting in LA for at least part of this movie, but once again with budgetary problems. I just don't know if I will be able to, but I would like to."

Assuming both Pattinson and Mortensen sign on, we'd imagine that'll help crack open some wallets. So keep your fingers crossed for him. Cosmopolis, meanwhile, arrives in the UK on June 15.

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