David E Kelley Plans Hockey Pic

The story of Gordie Howe

David E Kelley Plans Hockey Pic

by empire |
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David E Kelley just can’t stop indulging his love of ice hockey.

Not content with writing 1999 puck-whacking drama Mystery, Alaska, the offbeat producer/writer is aiming to bring the story of the World Hockey Association and legendary player Gordie Howe to the screen.

Kelley hasn’t yet decided if he’ll take an active part in the script – after all, he still has to create and oversee the US TV version of time-traveling drama Life On Mars, but he’ll definitely be overseeing the development.

The story will be based on the 1973-4 season in the States, when Howe returned to professional hockey after two years of retirement and played on the same team as his two sons. Keeping things in the family, his wife was the manager for all three, and together they led the Houston Aeros to the championship.

"The thrill of playing with my two sons that first year in Houston could only be surpassed by telling the story on the big screen," Howe told Variety.

It remains to be seen whether it’ll make it over here – US hockey doesn’t quite have the same intense following.

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