Eddie Izzard To Play Dr. Jekyll

Eddie Izzard

by James White |
Updated on

There have been many adaptations of Robert Louis Stevenson’s iconic 1886 novella The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde through the years since its publication. But none of them have starred Eddie Izzard. That changes now, as she's on to play Dr. Nina Jekyll in a new film version simply called Dr. Jekyll.

Joe Stephenson is directing the film, which he developed with writer Dan Kelly-Mulhern during the pandemic lockdown. The story follows the reclusive Nina Jekyll finding friendship with her newly hired help, Rob (Scott Chambers, who starred for Stephenson in 2016's Chicken) who must work together to prevent Hyde from destroying her life. The cameras start cranking this week.

"I am very excited to be playing the role of Nina Jekyll in this new feature film and it’s wonderful to be able to reimagine this classic story in a modern way," says Izzard.

Adds Stephenson: "I’m thrilled that Eddie is joining us as my Nina Jekyll. With her being the extraordinary and versatile actress she is, playing against Scott’s natural talent to make us believe in the good in people, I can’t wait to bring this suspenseful take on the iconic classic to life."

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