I Fancied Felicity Kendal

Billy Bob Thornton confesses all...

by empire |
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If you think the tabloid press went overboard with some of the more lurid stories involving Billy Bob Thornton and Angelina Jolie - wait until they find out that he's been carrying a torch for another woman all these years. Talking to Empire magazine this month, Thornton admits that in the past he was mesmerised by a particular English woman who pressed all the right buttons. Harking back to the days when he and writing partner Tom Epperson would be skipping work in favour of channel surfing, Thornton recalls one programme in particular that won their favour - The Good Life. 'We'd sit there and drool over Felicity Kendal. It was her amazing voice and those right trousers.' 'Me and Tom would sit there transfixed and wonder if all the women in England were like that. I'm telling you if we'd had the cash we'd have been right over.' If you can stomach reading more about Billy Bob Thornton and his Felicity fixation look out for the December issue of Empire magazine in the shops now.

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