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Catwoman trailer online

by empire |
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An official teaser trailer for Catwoman has arrived online. Halle Berry stars as a mild mannered graphic artist who is murdered after she discovers sinister goings-on in the cosmetics company she works for, only to be resurrected by a cat. So does the trailer deliver? Fanboys online have been vocal in condemning the film, sight unseen, so Catwoman has got its work cut out to win over the fans. Well, this is only a teaser, so it's hard to judge. We are still having trouble getting the image of Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman out of our heads, but Halle certainly looks as though she has tried to put her own stamp on the role. Featuring images hinting at the murder of our heroine, and showing off her revamped, leather-clad form kicking ass, swinging a whip and leaping like a cat, this offers a tantalising glimpse of what the film has on show. Have a look by clicking here. Catwoman hits UK cinemas on 6 August, when you'll be able to judge the finished product for yourself

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