First Image From Cameron’s Avatar

It's behind the scenes, but still...

First Image From Cameron's Avatar

by James Dyer |
Published on

If you tied us to a chair, stripped us naked and dripped hot wax onto our most sensitive of areas while demanding we pick one single film that was going to define 2009 then, between stifled screams, we'd have to gasp the word Avatar.

James Cameron's return to the big screen after a 10 year absence is reason enough to get excited but if you'd read the script and visited the New Zealand set of his latest opus (which Empire can rather smugly say we have) then you'd know that Avatar is going change the face of cinema. Yes, it's partly due to the cutting edge 3D technology Cameron is using to bring the film to life but moreover this is a return to Cameron at his best. This is the spiritual successor to Aliens, a passion project more than a decade in the making and quite possible the cure for HIV, Cancer and the common cold. It is Avatar!

Oh and there's a picture of Cameron and star Sam Worthington on set below.

![Avatar Behind-The-Scenes Image]

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