Hannibal and Scully?

Hannibal rumours continue

by empire |
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Yet another cyberspace movie rumour burns out of control - this time concerning the Hannibal debacle. Once news broke of Jodie Foster's dismissal of the revised script and her annoucement tht she would not be playing Clarice, pundits swiftly predicted that Hannibal would never get off the ground. The thought that the Silence of the Lambs sequel would never make it to the big screen was obviously too much for fans who've since been biding their time thinking of actresses to take on the role of Clarice. And so we come to the current rumour that Ms X Files herself, Gillian Anderson, has been approached to star. The rumour, which originated in a German newspaper, and has since been covered on the Corona and 24 hours News X sites, doesn't appear to have any basis in fact. The only official source commenting on the film yesteday was Anthony Hopkins publicist, who told Reuters that Hopkins is still interested in the movie. 'Assuming they can work out a deal - and all of that remains to be ironed out -- he wants to do it.'

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