Heaven Is A Place On Earth

Kingdom of Heaven international trailer online

by empire |
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Have at thee, varlet! Stand and fight, thou craven cur! Hey nonny nonny! And other such medieval nonsense, to mark the online debut of the international trailer to Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven here on Coming Soon.net. The crusades epic is set to hit cinemas on May 6, but just in case you weren't already looking forward to the prospect of Orlando Bloom (aiieee!) and Liam Neeson donning chainmail and tabards, this should whet your appetite. While the waving cornfields and snowy forest may recall a certain Russell Crowe-starring Scott film, there's a lot here to set this apart. The epic staples of Celtic-y singing and bass drums may all be here, as well as the wide shots of armies clashing and sun rising over mountains. But there are some things we haven't seen before. Orly wears a fetching blue scarf at one point

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