Hilary Swank Starring In Sci-Fi Thriller I Am Mother

Hilary Swank

by James White |
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She's been at work on Danny Boyle's new Getty kidnap TV drama Trust, but Hilary Swank is headed for a sci-fi movie as her next big screen adventure. She'll star in I Am Mother.

While it's not the origin story for the MOTHER computer as seen in the Alien movies, it does feature some technology designed to care for human charges that might have more of an agenda. The film will star Clara Rugaard as one of a new generation of humans raised by a kindly robot called (you guessed it) "Mother" designed to repopulate the Earth after mankind's extinction. But while the young woman is close to the device, her worldview is rocked when a blood-drenched woman (Swank) arrives, with claims that everything is not what it appears.

First-time director Grant Sputore will work from a script by writer Michael Lloyd Green and is now rolling the cameras in South Australia. "It is a privilege to welcome Hilary Swank to our film," Sputore tells Variety. "She is a remarkable performer who always brings tremendous commitment and honesty to the screen. I’m excited about the journey ahead with Hilary and the talented Clara Rugaard."

There's no release date set for the movie yet. In addition to Trust, Swank has worked on biopic 55 Steps and drama What They Had.

Hilary Swank Joins Danny Boyle's Miniseries Trust

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