The Holy Trinity

First trailer for Blade III

by empire |
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To quote Seth Gecko: "Okay vampire killers. Let's kill some fucking vampires." Thus is the general air of the new Blade: Trinity trailer summed up and on an arse-kicking scale of one to ten - where one is a shiatsu massage and ten sees paramedics called in to perform an emergency buttock transplant - this film is hovering around the 9.5 mark. We could begin this story by once again bemoaning the lack of a Quicktime version ("it's a new trailer, live for the first time online so what shall we use? Oh I know, let's do it in Windows Media." Superb. Well Done.) but that would be churlish as, despite the dodgy format, this is one trailer you won't want to miss. Jessica Biel debuts in foxy form as Whistler's daughter, Abigail, while ex-vampire Ryan 'Van Wilder' Reynolds has left his party liaison days firmly behind him and looks close to out-badassing the hero himself. And speaking of Blade... if you thought The Daywalker showed off some slick moves in Blade II then you're in for a treat. Sword-twirling, stake-throwing and glare-shooting, Blade is back on top form and looking as implausibly cool as ever. Van Helsing? Puh-lease, Snipes could butter toast with him. Watch the trailer here.

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