Idris Elba And John Cena Starring In Heads Of State

Idris Elba, John Cena

by James White |
Updated on

We'll see Idris Elba and John Cena share the screen in The Suicide Squad next year, and they're now looking to work together again – as a duo instead of a team – for new action pic Heads Of State.

Amazon has snapped the film rights up after the pair, Squad producer Peter Safran and writer Harrison Query set up a series of Zoom pitches with different companies. The story is – shocker! – being kept quiet, but according to Deadline it has the feel of a '90s action movie, blending the feel of Air Force One with Hobbs & Shaw (in which Elba played the big bad) as an odd couple duo tackles a high-stakes mission.

The next step, of course, will be to lock down a director and other cast for this one, so off it goes into development. Will it see the other side? That's still a question, but Elba and Cena's attachment means it carries more weight than other potential movies.

The Suicide Squad, written and directed by James Gunn, will be out on 6 August next year.

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