Idris Elba Starring In Stay Frosty For Extraction Director Sam Hargrave

Idris Elba, Sam Hargrave

by James White |
Updated on

In another sign that filmmaking is really starting to return to normal, there has been a frenzied auction for a new script, with Warner Bros. emerging triumphant with the rights to Stay Frosty, which has Idris Elba attached to star and Extraction's Sam Hargrave directing.

Not, as you might suspect, a film about the iconic snowman, Tyler Marceca's script focuses on the following logline: "After miraculously surviving a bullet to the head, a man has to figure out who wants him dead and why. He needs to stop the assassin while still making it back home in time to spend Christmas with his son..." Action? Christmas? Cue Hargrave watching a lot of Shane Black's output for research? Oh, and they surely need to find someone to cover Chris Rea's 'Driving Home For Christmas' for the trailer.

This will need to squeeze into Elba's busy schedule, while Hargrave has a sequel to Extraction on his directorial To-Do list.

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