No Indiana IV For Spielberg?

'No Truth' to Connery's claim says Lucasfilm

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Ever since the 2002 Golden Globes when Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg announced that they would be teaming up with George Lucas for a fourth Indiana Jones outing, we've been waiting to hear when Spielberg will be fitting the movie into his packed schedule. Now we hear, courtesy of none other than Sir Sean Connery, that Spielberg might not be taking on Dr Jones at all. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight at the press junket for The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Connery claims that Spielberg won't be taking on directorial duties for the third sequel. 'All I know is that someone called the office and said that Steven was not doing the movie,' explains Connery, 'that Harrison had in fact verbally agreed to do another one and would I be interested? And I said of course I would. I had a very good experience with him. '[I was] disappointed to hear that Steven wouldn't be doing it, but in the end it all comes down to how good the script is - if it's really workable.' If Spielberg isn't going to direct Indy IV, who will take on the reins? Our money's on Frank Darabont, who's already hard at work writing the script. NB: Since this story went live yesterday, Lucasfilm have since reported that, and we quote, 'There is no truth to the rumor.' Obviously Sir Sean needs to update his sources.

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