Jack’s Back On The Clock

Kiefer Sutherland signs for more 24

Jack's Back On The Clock

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Jack Bauer had better make sure he gets a couple of naps, a nice snack and a few trips to the toilet in – because he’s just signed up for at least three more Worst Days Of His Life.

Yes, Keifer Sutherland has decided that he enjoys running around and foiling evil plots so much that he’s stay around on 24 until May 2009. That, and the fact that this new deal gives him an eight-figure pay boost and his own production company on the Fox lot. The new company is expected to produce drama, though apparently he’s open to comedy ideas as well. "Programming on television has opened up and jumped leaps and bounds over the kinds of restrictions it once had," Sutherland told Variety.

But while he was sitting in his swimming pool o’ cash, Sutherland did manage to let slip a little more detail on the timing of the mooted 24 movie.

"It was really the executive producers realising that if we were going to squeeze it in during the break, we would have been rushing it," he told the trade mag. "If we were going to do it, we would do it next summer. It's still a big 'if.' We would not go forward unless we thought we could do it right." He’s apparently leaving his between-seasons break free so that he can work on the film.

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