Jack Ryan Returns

Ben Affleck back in espionage heaven

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Proving there's nothing that Hollywood likes better than a lucrative, long-running franchise, Tom Clancy's super CIA sleuth and all round good egg Jack Ryan is heading back to the screen in an adaptation of his latest thriller, Red Rabbit. Embodied most famously by Harrison Ford in Clear and Present Danger and Patriot Games before morphing into the slightly more athletic Ben Affleck for the nuketastic The Sum of All Fears, this will be Jack's fifth celluloid outing after his first trip out on a submarine in The Hunt for Red October. Set near the beginning of the whole franchise, Red Rabbit follows Ryan as a novice CIA analyst as he helps debrief a high-level defector and discovers that the dirty damn Soviets are daring to assassinate the pope of all people and thereby succeed in that old plan of destablizing the West. Same old, same old, you think. But Ben Affleck - whom Paramount hopes will repeat the role

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