Jackie Earle Haley Boots Up RoboCop

As military man Maddox

Jackie Earle Haley Boots Up RoboCop

by James White |
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The cast for Jose Padilha’s RoboCop reboot just keeps growing, and each name gives us a little more faith that the director is planning to deliver something special (even if we’re still busy questioning why the original needed rebooting). Now Jackie Earle Haley is set to sign on.

This new RoboCop will feature Joel Kinnaman as Alex Murphy, the murdered lawman reborn as the cyborg cop, with Abbie Cornish playing his wife. Gary Oldman is on to play Norton, the scientist who helps build our hero in the first place, with Samuel L Jackson as media mogul Pat Novak and Hugh Laurie set to be evil as the movie’s villain.

Haley will be Maddox, a man who apparently trains Robo to be a powerful fighter (so he’s not just programmed, like in the original?) And he’s not the only new arrival: Jay Baruchel is also apparently circling one of the last remaining lead roles.

Padilha will start shooting in September, with Toronto playing the crime-ridden city. The first viral video for the movie is already online, featuring ED-209. Haley, meanwhile, was last seen in Dark Shadows and will be part of Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln cast when the film arrives on January 25, 2013.

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