Shocker: Jamie Foxx To Return As Electro For Third MCU Spider-Man Film

Jamie Foxx as Electro

by James White |
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He's a turn we didn't predict: according to The Hollywood Reporter, Jamie Foxx, who brought classic Spider-Man character Electro to life in 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is now returning to the Spidey universe in the role for the third Tom Holland-starring Sony/MCU movie.

Jon Watts is back for the new Spider-Man movie, and the story is still unknown, though the presence of Foxx suggests some sort of multiverse idea, given Electro's place as part of the previous story. Still, with JK Simmons having shown up in Far From Home as J. Jonah Jameson, there's also scope for this to be a stand-alone take on Electro.

Given the critical and commercial prospects of the second Andrew Garfield leading to Sony changing course and striking the MCU deal in the first place, it's somewhat surprising that the company would truly want to reference the last incarnation of the Spidey universe.

The cameras should be cranking in Atlanta this autumn with the likes of Zendaya, Marisa Tomei and Jacob Batalan expected to return to their established role. This latest Spider-outing is due on 17 December next year, though let's all keep our fingers crossed that happens.

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