Jan De Bont Gets Power

Directing a new action thriller

Jan De Bont Gets Power

by empire |
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Ah, Jan De Bont. How we thrilled at Speed. How we marvelled at Twister. How we wanted to tear our own eyes out and plug our ears with them during Speed 2 and Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life.

Still, having the last time he stepped behind the camera resulting in the decidedly shonky Lara Croft sequel hasn’t stopped producers giving him the reigns of another action vehicle.

And hopefully a return to the road will see him back hitting the heights of Speed. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed, then, for Stopping Power, which sees a single father out on holiday with his girlfriend and teenage daughter. When their family RV is half-inched by a crafty crook, our frantic lead is forced to play decoy for the cops in another car, lest his daughter get offed by the nasty criminal.

De Bont will be causing chaos on Germany’s roads for the film this September, though first he needs actors to speak (oh, let’s face it – this is De Bont – shout) the dialogue currently being re-written by The Matador’s Richard Shepard. Just one thing, Jan: no Jason Patric this time, eh?

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