Could Jessica Chastain Be Tarzan’s Jane?

She's rumoured...

Jessic Chastain

by James White |
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Be warned: this is one is so far into rumour territory we’ve equipped it with a flashlight, a ration pack and a machete just in case. But that machete may come in handy if Jessica Chastain does indeed end up heading into the jungle, because according to the New York Post (hence the rumour tag), Chastain is the first choice to play Jane in David Yates’ new take on Tarzan.

Yates locked in the job late last year, agreeing to work up a new version of the legendarily loin clothed Edgar Rice Burroughs character. So far, all that has emerged from the murky jungle of development is that Yates appears to have his eye on Alexander Skarsgard for the main man.

Yet no official announcement has been made yet, and we know the **Harry Potter **directing veteran has been considering several candidates for the job, including Man Of Steel’s Henry Cavill and Pacific Rim’s Charlie Hunnam.

The script apparently finds our hero settled back in England, but headed back to the Congo when Queen Victoria asks him to investigate dodgy dealings and a fierce warlord. He teams up with Civil War veteran-turned-mercenary George Washington Williams, a role that has been linked – albeit still not officially – with Samuel L Jackson.

How Jane will factor in is anyone’s guess, and a tentpole like this might not seem to be Chastain’s usual stomping ground. Still, she’s picked a variety of films recently, mixing up Oscar fare such as Zero Dark Thirty with genre, including Mama. So who knows? She could end up taking it on, but for now, the idea will have to make do with do with living in a tree house.

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