Jolie Bad Show

The Angelina/Billy Bob love train has derailed

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Weeks of rumours surrounding the health of the marriage between Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton have come to a head today with Jolie confirming to an American magazine that the two have split up. In the interview with US Weekly, the Oscar-winning actress explained that she'd been living in an LA hotel for the past month and hadn't seen Billy Bob at all. 'I'm angry. I'm sad,' she told the magazine, adding that, 'We're not divorced yet. We're going through a difficult time. I'm not sure what will happen.' Angelina wouldn't be drawn on the cause of the break-up, 'Sometimes, you don't see things coming, even though they are happening. It was a real deep connection, a deep marriage, so it's not that simple to say this or that one thing caused the problems.' However most Hollywood sources are pointing to the adoption of the couple's Cambodian son as a source of possible stress. 'He's focused on his music career. I'm focused on my baby,' was all she would say, '[But] it's clear to me that our priorities shifted overnight.' Billy Bob's camp declined to contribute to the article, stating only that: 'They remain very married.'

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