Jude Doesn’t Talk AI

...but he does dish on working with Spielberg

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Film journalists are used to having to pry information about future projects out of actors and directors, but the secrecy surrounding Steven Spielberg's next film AI is almost unprecedented. The British star of the move, Jude Law is currently doing the rounds promoting Enemy of the Gates and naturally, everyone wants to pump him for AI gossip, but Law's not talking. 'I'm under this terrible contract not to talk about AI,' Jude tells Time Out this week - which extends to information about his role, the plot and anything about the film's special effects. What the actor could talk about were the worries he had in signing up for a blockbuster genre in the first place. 'Had it been Jurassic Park 3, I don't know whether I would have done it,' he explains. 'Initially I wanted to do [AI] because of Steven's involvement and Kubrick's involvement, but actually primarily because it's a really, really great part.' Spielberg, according to Law is 'a consummate actor's director. He was just quite extraordinary to watch. And he filmed so fast. It's awesome. We did 30 set-ups a day. He goes like the clappers.' Happily it seems Law is under no strict instructions to stay schtum about his next role opposite Tom Hanks as a crime scene photographer in The Road To Perdition. Law's character 'dabbles in murder and is obsessed with collecting the perfect still of a dead body. He's a kind of Weegee-esque psycho.'

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