Kate Beckinsale’s Back In Action For The Jolt Trailer


by James White |
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Kate Beckinsale is no stranger to action, having spent years kicking arse in the Underworld films. She's now ready to do some damage in a slightly edgier way in Jolt, which has serious Crank vibes. Check out the trailer...

Tanya Wexler directed the film, working from a script by Scott Wascha. Beckinsale stars as Lindy, a beautiful, sardonically funny woman with a painful secret: Due to a lifelong, rare neurological disorder, she experiences sporadic rage-filled, murderous impulses that can only be stopped when she shocks herself with a special electrode device (developed by Stanley Tucci's concerned boffin). Yeah, that old story.

Unable to find love and connection in a world that fears her bizarre condition, she finally trusts a man (Jai Courtney) long enough to fall in love, only to find him murdered the next day. Heartbroken and enraged, she embarks on a revenge-filled mission to find his killer, while also being pursued by the police as the crime’s prime suspect.

The likes of Bobby Cannavale, Laverne Cox, David Bradley and Susan Sarandon are also in the movie, which arrives on Amazon on 23 July.

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