Kate Hudson Starts Bride Wars

Sparring ceremonies in a new comedy

Kate Hudson Starts Bride Wars

by empire |
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Laaadies and Gennnnulmeeen! Announcing the fight of the century! Bride Wars!

In the white corner, Kate Hudson as The Bride, tough-talking fiancée who won’t take any crap when she discovers that her best friend has scheduled her wedding on the same day as her own!

A ceremonial smackdown like no other! Who will win? And who will learn important life lessons about caring and sharing and what’s really valuable?

Ahem… Ditching the corny announcer voice for just a second, Firm Films has partnered with New Regency to develop the movie for Hudson, and has hired June Raphael and Casey Wilson to re-write the script.

Two events scheduled on the same day and those involved will absolutely not step aside, eh? Wow… Wonder if the film studios could relate to that at all?

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