Kidman Gives Birth A Try

Nicole Kidman to star in Sexy Beast director's latest

by empire |
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You would have thought Nicole Kidman might have had enough of dead husbands and small children in The Others but no, the lanky lass from down under is set to head back into the same territory with the new film from Sexy Beast director, Jonathan Glazer. As Empire Online duly reported a mere two weeks ago, Brit director Glazer became what is popularly known as Hollywood hot property after the success of 2000’s gangster flick Sexy Beast, but turned his back on the big money of LA to develop his own projects at home in Blighty. Written with highly respected French writer Jean-Claude Carriere, Glazer’s story follows a 35-year-old woman in New York more than slightly freaked out by a ten-year-old boy she meets who claims to be the reincarnation of her husband. Not your usual everyday occurrence, we have to admit. As her pen poises above the dotted line, Kidman would not be totally unrealistic if she thought Birth might give her another shot at getting one of those little gold, bald men she missed out on after being nominated for Best Actress for her role in Moulin Rouge. After all, the Academy has looked favourably on Glazer’s work in the past, nominating Ben Kingsley’s barnstorming Sexy Beast performance for an Oscar at their last shindig.

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