Latest X-Men: Days Of Future Past Viral Vid

Bolivar Trask's timeline explored

Latest X-Men: Days Of Future Past Viral Vid

by James White |
Published on

With the official marketing team now taking over promotion duties from director Bryan Singer’s Twitpicpocalypse on X-Men: Days Of Future Past, we’re seeing the various viral tricks creep on to the ‘net. The first proper inklings came during the San Diego Comic-Con, with glimpses of Bolivar Trask ’s Sentinel robots. Now the Trask Industries site has exploded with new material on genetic mutations and technology, including a creepy video about the company’s progress through the last 50 years.

The site explores ‘70s porn star driven scientist Trask's campaign against mutants, fuelled by his fear that regular humans would become extinct. As the spiel reads: “His early theories were ridiculed by his contemporaries and with no-one to fund his research, Trask cared enough about humanity to invest in the founding of Trask Industries in 1967. Since its founding, Trask Industries has been at the forefront of human progress, partnering with domestic and international governments since the Nixon administration. Trask’s early ambition for genetic progress continues to fuel our technological innovations today.”

Mostly, of course, surrounding the development of the Sentinel programme, because as science-fiction has always taught us, putting our future into the hands of machines never ends badly...

All this, of course, leads to the dark alternate future wasteland we initially see in Days Of Future Past and the mission of our mutant heroes to change the timeline so it never happens. The film, which features Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Daniel Cudmore, Omar Sy, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Fan Bingbing and Anna Paquin is due out on May 22, 2014.

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