Is Leo The Infiltrator?

DiCaprio plans an IRA spy drama

Is Leo The Infiltrator?

by empire |
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25th Hour screenwriter David Benioff is such a busy scribe that you have to wonder when he sleeps. He’s currently assigned to an adaptation of The Kite Runner, a Wolverine spin-off, a remake of For Whom The Tolls and Afghanistan conflict drama Brothers. Oh, and not forgetting that he’s producing two more films: Spell For Chameleon and Kashmir.

So when Leonardo DiCaprio and the producers of a based-on-fact drama about British intelligence officers plotting to undermine the IRA by planting spies among its commanders came calling, he simply didn’t have enough hours in the day to write the script. But that hasn’t stopped him agreeing to oversee someone else. There goes quality time with fiancée Amanda Peet…

The Infiltrator will be adapted from Matthew Teague’s article, which appears in April’s Atlantic Monthly. Leo is also producing and has already called dibs on a starring role if he likes the script. Let’s hope his Irish accent is improving.

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